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CPS – Condensation Prevention System

CPS – Condensation Prevention System
Main features

PLASSON CPS prevents condensation on the incoming water pipes by proportionally adding
warm water from a heater in the service room, to adjust incoming water temperature to the
poultry house temperature.

  • Avoid litter wetness
  • Keep best litter conditions for birds welfare
  • Reduce health hazards
  • Reduce operational costs:
    – Minimize the need for adding fresh litter
    – Minimize ventilation levels, thus energy costs,
    – required to dry and refresh the litter
    – Minimize labor costs involved in maintenance
    of good litter condition
CPS Control Unit
Water heater based on LPG Gas
Gas Pipe LPG
Non Return Valve
Water mixer tap (analog)
Water mechanical tap
CPS – Condensation Prevention System


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