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PlassFence – Migration Fence

PlassFence – Migration Fence
Main features

Plasson’s Migration Fence is the most efficient and practical way to physically define areas in the
chicken house.
Using Plasson’s extensive knowledge in plastic injection technology and our long experience with
livestock equipment, we present an unrivaled solution in terms of quality, installation and flexibility.

  • Top quality plastic properties to ensure longevity.
  • Installation flexibility.
  • Ideal for the Brooding stage or other separation required.
  • Modular system which allows any separation shape and length required.
  • Easy to clean and sanitize.
  • Light weight and easy to handle.
  • Fences can be suspended to enable the ongoing tasks during and in-between cycles.
  • Specially designed connectors create the required gaps for feeding and drinking lines.
Short connector for connecting two units
Long connector to enable feeding & drinking lines passages
  1. Short Connector
  2. Long Connector
Easy modular storage saves space at the end of use
To allow for feeding and drinking lines passages, the fence units can be overlapped and thus create the required gap at the right position
To allow for feeding and drinking lines passages, the fence units can be cut and thus create the required gap at the right position
During cleaning, catching and any other tasks, the fence units can be folded and stacked. A complete fence line can be stacked and put away in minutes. Folding is done with the clips on – meaning when the line is relocated, the system is already fully assembled

Plasson Livestock New PlassFence

Plasson Migration Fence Continuous Line installation method

Plasson Migration Fence Overlapping installation method


Even Distibution

Even Distribution

System Brochures


PlassFence – Migration Fence


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