Plasson’s nipple drinking system presents a comprehensive solution that guarantees a reliable and efficient way to supply water to the birds, thus promoting proper weight gain and ideal bird performance.
The system is robust, durable, and constructed of high-quality materials and components.
Plasson’s nipple drinking solution includes a water head system and nipple drinking line. Plasson takes pride in its innovative approach and offers technologically advanced upgrade options
- Robust and durable system to ensure reliable water supply
- High quality components
- Comprehensive solution for all water requirements – supply, regulation, filtration, treatments and more
- A full range of nipples to support the changing bird growth stage, pressure and flow rates required
- Focus on performance factors such as weight gain, accurate water consumption and more
- Easy installation and operation
- Innovative and unique upgrades – Water on Demand, auto Flushing and Flush Control (Wireless Flushing)